東海大學熱帶生態學與生物多樣性研究中心--中心成員-林千翔 助理研究員

林千翔 助理研究員

聯絡電話  32412(office)
傳  真  +886-4-23590296
最高學歷  Degree of philosophy, Institute of Earth Science, University degli Studi di Bari, Italy
研究領域  Using otoliths to describe changes in the reef fish community in Caribbean reefs over the last 7,000 years
   Global Sciaenidae Conservation Network
   The diversity of otolith assemblages in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean sea bottoms
   Neogene otoliths of Taiwan
   Eocene otoliths of the US gulf coast
聯絡電話  32412(office)
傳  真  +886-4-23590296
最高學歷  Degree of philosophy, Institute of Earth Science, University degli Studi di Bari, Italy
研究領域  Using otoliths to describe changes in the reef fish community in Caribbean reefs over the last 7,000 years
   Global Sciaenidae Conservation Network
   The diversity of otolith assemblages in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean sea bottoms
   Neogene otoliths of Taiwan
   Eocene otoliths of the US gulf coast